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Contains a sample Timerseries Scatterplot dataset




An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 1170 rows and 5 columns.


#> # A tibble: 1,170 × 5
#>     unit date       lot_number cavity     y
#>    <dbl> <date>     <chr>      <fct>  <dbl>
#>  1     1 2021-06-08 73841521   1      0.692
#>  2     1 2021-06-08 73841521   2      0.699
#>  3     1 2021-06-08 73841521   3      0.693
#>  4     2 2021-06-08 73841521   1      0.689
#>  5     2 2021-06-08 73841521   2      0.697
#>  6     2 2021-06-08 73841521   3      0.698
#>  7     3 2021-06-08 73841521   1      0.692
#>  8     3 2021-06-08 73841521   2      0.695
#>  9     3 2021-06-08 73841521   3      0.699
#> 10     4 2021-06-08 73841521   1      0.69 
#> # … with 1,160 more rows